An evaluation service will show you how well you are meeting your clients’ needs, but it can be hard work to choose the best evaluation methods. SEA helps our clients customize an evaluation plan and data collection system that works. After your data is collected, we will help you analyze and present it in a meaningful way. Our clients use our evaluation service to plan, improve their programs, demonstrate accountability, share their results and show funders the impact their funding has made.

How we do it

  • Design an evaluation that fits your program.
  • Provide comprehensive and understandable evaluation reports.
  • Make data visually interesting, using colorful charts, graphs and other display
  • Provide evaluation workshops to support your staff if requested
  • Can oversee your project’s implementation.
team working with data
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Phase one

Design the evaluation

  • Evaluation objective
  • Key evaluation questions
  • Logic model
  • Inputs
  • Processes
  • Outputs
  • Outcomes
  • Results
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Phase two

Collect the Information

  • Instruments and methods for data collection
  • Quantitative data collection
  • Qualitative data collection
  • Formative Evaluation

Phase two

Collect the Information

  • Instruments and methods for data collection
  • Quantitative data collection
  • Qualitative data collection
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Phase three

Organize, Analyze and Report

  • Effective data presentation
  • Data visualization tools
  • Commendations

Phase three

Synthesize, Organize, Analyze and Report on the data

  • Effective data presentation
  • Data visualization tools
  • Commendations
  • Recommendations
  • Federal, state, local and quarterly reports
team working with data

SEA in action

Since 2008, SEA has completed hundreds of successful 21st CCLC evaluations.

Using numbers and stories, SEA showcased the improved math scores and student behavior that resulted from a school district’s grant funded program.

SEA conducted site visits and focus groups at an urban high school. The program director used this valuable feedback to improve the after school program and also understand how much of a personal impact he was making on student participants.

SEA surveyed participants at a community Science Fair. Outcomes were shared with funders in visually interesting ways and used to raise the value of future events.

SEA helped an after-school provider zero in on the role school and program attendance played in their students’ success.

A Lehigh Valley social services non-profit needed a way to collect and manage data more effectively. SEA designed a data collection tool that helped them produce monthly reports for their Executive Director, their Board and their funders.